Flower*’s original film is in film festivals.
We are so proud that our latest short film ‘À (10) Centimètres’ is nominee of these film festivals;
-Skipcity International D-cinema Festival www.skipcity-dcf.jp
-New York Tri-State Film Festival www.newyorktristatefilm.com
-Roma Short Film Festival www.romashortfilmfest.com
-Vancouver Independent Film Festival vancouverindiefestival.com
-Toronto Indie Filmmakers Festival www.torontoindiefestival.com
-Serbest International Film Festival serbestfestival.com
-Skiptown Playhouse International Film Festival skiptownplayhouse.com
-Asian Talent International Film Festival fb.me/ATIFF2022 -Best Short Film Jury Award
-Festival Internacional De Cine LESBIGAYTRANS www.aireana.org.py
-Lonely Wolf International Film Festival in London www.lonelywolffilmfest.com –Nominee in 5 Categories
-SHORT OF THE YEAR www.promofest.org/en/selections –Special Jury Mention
-Cannes Shorts Film Festival www.cannes-shorts.org –Nominee for Best French Short Film
-Japan International Film Festival www.japanfilmfest.com –Best LGBTQ Film
-Seoul International Short Film Festival www.seoulshortfilmfestival.com –Honorable Mention
-Tokyo Film Award www.tokyofilmawards.com –Honorable Mention
Trailer: https://vimeo.com/441492482